Reliability coefficients include Cronbach's alpha, Guttman's lambda, the Feldt-Gilmer Coefficient, the Feldt-Brennan coefficient, decision consistency indices, the conditional standard error of measurement, and reliability if item deleted. The item analysis includes proportion, point biserial, and biserial statistics for all response options. Current methods include classical item analysis, differential item functioning (DIF) analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory, IRT equating, and nonparametric item response theory. Patrick Meyer at the University of Virginia.

JMetrik is free and open source software for conducting a comprehensive psychometric analysis.

Item responses (ABCD) and keys are typed or pasted into the workbook, and the output automatically populates unlike some other programs, CITAS does not require any "running" or experience in psychometric analysis, making it accessible to school teachers and professors. CITAS ĬITAS (Classical Item and Test Analysis Spreadsheet) is a free Excel workbook designed to provide scoring and statistical analysis of classroom tests. The autopsych app also performs multiple Rasch-based functions including basic Rasch many-facets analysis for DIF, fixed item equating for dichotomous item-response matrices, one-way ANOVA, and inter-rater reliability analysis.

CTT functions include percentage correct, observed scores for each item category, item-total correlations, item-rest correlations (with user-specified confidence intervals), item-rest point biserial/polyserial correlations, Cronbach’s alpha, alpha-if-deleted, and full Pearson correlation matrix (item matrix) with levels of statistical significance. In addition, there is an increasing number of packages for R that can be found in the CRAN Task View: Psychometric Models and Methods Classical test theory Ĭlassical test theory is an approach to psychometric analysis that has weaker assumptions than item response theory and is more applicable to smaller sample sizes.Īutopsych is a free and open-source web app with multiple features for conducting Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Rasch modelling.

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